Prague Conservatory holds
2 – 12 July 2025
Master-courses are opened for interested persons from the age of 11 years /born from 2014 and earlier/: students of elementary music schools, conservatories, music academies, professional as well as non-professional musicians, music school teachers etc. /no superior age’s limit/. They belong to Prague Conservatory’s project The Young Piano of the Prague Conservatory supporting young talented pianists.
The best participants can perform on some of three public concerts in conclusion of courses.
Courses will be held at the main school building Na Rejdisti Street.
Doc. MgA. Ivo Kahánek, Ph.D. – Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Prague Conservatory
Prof. Avedis Kouyoumdjian** – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst-Vienna, Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth-Belgium
MgA. Milan Langer – Prague Conservatory
Libor Nováček, M.Mus – Prague Conservatory
**Notice: Professor Kouyoumdjian will teach besides older professional pianists and piano students with a professional orientation (conservatories, academies etc.) advanced course participants only. You can demonstrate an appropriate level e.g. by diploma-copies of important competition successes or by video-recording from a live concert performance. Thank you for understanding.
Form of participation
- active
- passive /possible even for individual days, in that case without an application
- as a company of a child /course’s participant up to the age of 15/
Participants of courses up to 15 years of age must have a company!
- 5 lessons /à 50 min./ for an active participant
- the option to choose a lector
/two lecturers must always be listed in the application in case the schedule of one could be full. On request, it is possible to divide the teaching among several lectors /state this in the application in the section „Special wishes“/
- free entrance to all lessons
- classrooms for practicing available
- every participant /both passive and active/ will receive certificate confirming his/her participation in the course
Each participant /passive if he participates in the whole course; and participant-accompanying a child/ will fill his own application form
Organizer will confirm receiving of your application by e-mail in no time.
While the course fee comes to Conservatory bank account the Courses’ entrance will be confirmed in no time.
Deadline for applications of active participants together with the payment of the course fee:
May 31, 2025
When you do not receive any confirmation of your application /or a fee-paying/ until June 10, 2025, inform us immediately, please. It may be a non-delivered e-mail or another fault.